Congressman Traficant Farm






2 Reviews on “Congressman Traficant Farm”

2 reviews
  • I don’t care what people say about Jim Traficant. I’ve met him a few times and larger than life doesn’t even justify it. He made you feel special, valued and you were wowed with his celebrity. He was cool, big and truly a legend. Some say he put on a show I think he was smart enough to know Youngstown is left behind. He created attention and that attention got things done here. We’ve had politicians here for decades that have done absolutely nothing for the area. Jimbo was a once in a lifetime type person and somehow I feel even his opposition knew that too. If you were lucky enough to know him or meet him then you know. If you only know him from posts like this and video, believe me it doesn’t hold a candle to the real person!

  • Will Voltz

    I wrote Jim while he was incarcerated and he wrote me back immediately. I still have the letter.
    He had the perfect balance of outrage and humor that made him loveable. I wish the firebrands of today would follow his example; not the grim, cold-hearted raging that we see. You can be rough but you need that underlying love, which he had,

    1. Well said Will! The more we go forward the more I realize there will NEVER be another JT. Thats awesome that he wrote you and that you kept that letter.

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